About this course
This course covers infections of the oral cavity and surrounding tissues which have the potential to cause life-threatening conditions. This course is approved for CE credit by the Florida Board of Dentistry. --- This course can be taken at your own pace and on any device.

Course curriculum
Oral Infections
- Learner's Objectives
- Introduction
- Host Defense Mechanisms
- Innate Immune Defenses
- Adaptive Immune Defenses
- Microbiologic Considerations
- Fungal Infections
- Viral infections
- Infections of Odontogenic Origins
- Periodontal Infections
- Pericoronitis
- Infections in Immunocompromised Patients
- Antibiotic Treatment
- Oral Fungal Infections
- Other Fungal Infections
- Oral and Maxillofacial Viral Infections
- Varicella-zoster virus
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Human Papillomavirus
- Conclusion
- Reference List
- Oral Infections - Test
- Course Evaluation